The fuels used in diesel and gasoline engines also differ, with diesel fuel consisting of higher boiling range petroleum fractions (see IARC, 1989). In gasoline engines, the fuel is ignited by sparking-plugs.

In diesel engines, the fuel is self-ignited as it is injected into air that has been heated by compression. They are both internal, intermittent combustion engines. �p��=��V58�E�.Diesel and gasoline engines are the major power train sources used in vehicles. \(Based on t\he First Edition - 2011\))/Rect/Subj(Text Box)/Subtype/FreeText/T(VMuraca)/Type/Annot>endobj12703 0 obj/ProcSet>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>stream \(Based on the First Editio\n - 2011\))/Rect/Subj(Text Box)/Subtype/FreeText/T(VMuraca)/Type/Annot>endobj12699 0 obj/ProcSet>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>stream