We recommend downloading tracks directly from the artist’s profile page. There are a few different ways to download music from SoundCloud. This can be a nice option for sharing a track or a longer piece of writing you want to be seen by others. If you have something to say, you can record a “cinematic” song that sounds a lot like a music video. You can upload songs, create playlists, and share tracks with friends. If you love music but hate trawling through YouTube to find something new to listen to, SoundCloud is the place to go. You can either search through millions of tracks or follow specific users to receive music by them. SoundCloud also allows users to listen to other people’s music, too. Users can upload their music to the service and share it with the world. SoundCloud is an online audio platform that allows users to record and share their own music.

14 Get the SoundCloud browser extension.13 Add the SoundCloud Widget to your Android.10 Stream Your Music Offline With a Bluetooth Speaker.9 Stream Your Music with a SoundCloud Player.3 Download and Stream SoundCloud Music Offline.